Golden series 2020
This was a project done in Hirvitalo’s Slow and Sustainable Travel project in Tampere, Finland. It was done in collaboration with Peter Rosvik with whom we have worked under the theme of collaboration in disagreement. We have seeked ways of working together without finding consensus from 2013 on.
In this project we concentrated on the area of Tahmela where Hirvitalo is located. Through the method of observational walks and interviewing we focused on histories present in the area. We then decided to emphasise those points of history through covering them.
Photos by: Peter Rosvik
Golden Blanket On a Dead Apple Tree, 2020
Golden Square in a Shitty Pond, 2020
Ghost Trees IV, 2020
Golden Voyage, 2020
Lost Boundaries, 2020
Gateway to the Lost World/ Metsänpeitto, 2020